10 Exercises to Help Relieve Knee Pain
Gentle stretching and other low impact exercises can strengthen the muscles that support your knee joint.
Sleep can give athletes an edge over competitors, but few recognize how fundamental sleep is to performance
A healthy sleep pattern can be a stealthy game plan for athletes to gain an edge over their opponents. Only a few top elite athletes know the secret of early bedtimes for optimal performance.
How to strengthen your knee
While it may be tempting to avoid exercise when knee pain occurs, this is not always the appropriate solution. Certain types of exercise can help alleviate existing knee pain and prevent future pain or injury by providing the knee with extra support.
Leg Pain in Children: Causes and How to Soothe Growing Pains
Children, from toddlers to teens, can experience leg pain. It is a common symptom that can be caused by one of several underlying issues. Leg pain can be caused by muscle or bone injury, growing pains, or even cancer.
Location and progression of chondral injuries at the time of revision ACL surgery varies by sex
The purpose of this study was to quantify progression in of chondral and meniscal injuries between primary and revision ACL surgery.